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Information about the Legal Transformation Network

The new network

We have launched a new network called the Legal Transformation Network, focused on supporting and driving the digital transformation of the legal sector. Among other initiatives, the network organizes free seminars hosted by its members.

The network originally started in Finland, where there is an active and vibrant community. We are now excited to establish a chapter in Sweden, aiming to bring the same engagement here. Information about upcoming events will be shared regularly, and some updates will be in Finnish or Swedish, depending on the event's location and audience.

"Glöggmingel "- A Warm Start of Our Network

On December 19, 2024, our network kicked off with a festive “Glöggmingel” at the Swedish Bar Association, bringing together nearly 30 participants.

Charlotta Kronblad joined us online, and her insights sparked engaging discussions on how to embrace and drive legal transformation.

The mingling wasn’t just about glögg and good company—it became a foundation for brainstorming how to create meaningful and practical content for our network. From fostering connections to exploring new ideas in legal practice, this gathering set the tone for what’s to come.

Seminar in Stockholm 30 January (in Swedish):

AI nativeness vs. Grey hairness? Välkommen till Bird & Bird: Frukostseminarium om juridikens framtid

AI och ny teknik förändrar juridiken i grunden – men är vi redo? När generationer möts uppstår nya frågor: Hur kan erfarenheten från "grey hair"-jurister möta den digitala intuitionen hos yngre ”AI-natives"? Och hur undviker vi att tekniken springer ifrån oss – eller leder oss fel?


Den 30/1-2025 bjuder Bird & Bird in till ett frukostseminarium på temat:

AI nativeness vs. Grey hairness – En generationskollision inom juridiken


Under morgonen leder vår keynote speaker oss genom de stora utmaningar och möjligheter som dagens teknikskifte för med sig. 


Vi utforskar bland annat:


  • Hur kan jurister kombinera erfarenhet med teknisk expertis för att skapa framtidens juridiska praxis?

  • Vilka förändringar krävs i utbildning och arbetsmetoder för att möta AI-eran?

  • Vad kan vi göra idag för att hantera fabricerad information och bias i AI-verktyg?


Efter föreläsningen öppnar vi upp för en interaktiv diskussion där du får möjlighet att dela dina tankar och idéer med andra branschkollegor.


Datum: 30 januari 2025. Tid: 8.30-10.00. Plats: Bird & Bird, Norrlandsgatan 15, plan 10. Anmälan görs till legaltransformationnetwork@gmail.com

 Observera att platserna är begränsade – säkra din plats idag! Sista anmälningsdag är den 23 januari.


Välkommen till en inspirerande morgon fylld med insikter, framtidsspaningar och konkreta verktyg för att navigera i det nya juridiska landskapet.

Event in Helsinki 16 January:

The Helsinki Network: Legal Tech Glögit 5-Year Jubilee

The network in Helsinki is celebrating 5 years with a Juilee 16 January. Here is further information about that network and its jubilee: Newsletter Legal Tech Glöggit

About the network

The Legal Transformation Network is dedicated to "accelerating change in the legal field."

Our mission is to foster a shared understanding and common language around digital transformation while connecting professionals across the legal sector.

Starting with collaboration between Finland and Sweden, our vision is to expand into a broader Nordic network, promoting cross-border innovation and knowledge exchange.

We aim to build a balanced and inclusive community of experts, bringing together diverse stakeholders such as legal service providers, in-house counsel, tech innovators, consultants, students, and academia.

Join our Linkedin Group

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new LinkedIn group, Legal Transformation Network!

This group is a space for members to exchange ideas about seminars, share suggestions for speakers, and stay informed about upcoming events.

Join us today and be part of the conversation!

Click me!

We look forward to growing this network with you and hope to see you at an upcoming event!

  • Heikki Ilvessalo, CEO Ilves and Ambassador of ELTA

  • Mia Edwall Insulander, Secretary General of Swedish Bar Association

  • Jan Willamo, CDO Roschier

  • Mårten Willamo, Managing Partner Bird & Bird Sweden

  • Helena Hallgarn, CEO Virtual Intelligence VQ, VQ Legal and Ambassador of ELTA

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