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Teachers invited to share their views on needed soil health teaching materials
Educators across Europe are invited to participate in a survey to share their needs for teaching about soil. This survey targets those in primary, secondary, higher education, vocational training, and extracurricular initiatives and is open until 19 July. The responses will help inform the development of new learning resources on soil as part of the EU LOESS project.

Join and help develop the European Research Area
The European Research Area (ERA) is a vision for a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU without any barriers to collaboration between researchers. By joining the EU project INSPIRING ERA’s community, you can receive the latest insights and updates on ERA developments and invitations to exchange events.


Our current activities
European voices on soil health – interview with Christina Berneheim
Why is soil health education so important? Christina Berneheim, a consultant on regenerative agriculture at Svensk Kolinlagring, who is a member of the Swedish Community of Practice for the EU LOESS project, shares her views. Read more.

What do the school walls say? 2024 mass experiment
What messages can be found on the walls of Swedish schools? Who are they aimed at and who is sharing the information? Pupils and teachers in Sweden will be helping researchers to investigate these questions in the citizen science project ”What do the school walls say?”, the 2024 ForskarFredag mass experiment. Read more.

Overview of public engagement in research & innovation in Europe
The first report from the European Commission’s Mutual Learning Exercise on Public Engagement is now available. The report provides an overview of international and national policies for public engagement in Europe, as well as highlighting inspiring projects, initiatives and resources. Public & Science is contributing as a national expert to the knowledge exchange initiative. Read more.

Apply for Researchers’ Grand Prix Digital and gain an experience of a lifetime
How good are you at explaining your research in an engaging and understandable way? Applications are now open for Researchers’ Grand Prix Digital, an online heat open to researchers based in Sweden. Submit your application before 1 August, gain an experience of a lifetime and the chance to win 20,000 SEK. Read more.
Our recent activities
Findings from Sweden’s largest plastic waste experiment now available
The Plastic Experiment was a nationwide citizen science project in which Public & Science Sweden, Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation and the University of Gothenburg worked together to investigate how much plastic litter can be found in different types of natural environments throughout Sweden. With the help of individuals, organisations and school pupils, an area of ​​almost 830,000 square meters was surveyed over two years, and 60,000 plastic items collected. The findings have now been published in a popular scientific report. Read more.

New contacts and inspiration at the Ecsite Conference
Over 900 professionals from around 400 organisations and 50 countries around the world gathered in Ljubljana to inspire and exchange advances in science engagement at the 2024 Ecsite conference. Public & Science Sweden was represented by Head of Learning Julia Brink, who presented two Swedish projects – CitizAir and Borrow a Researcher. Read more.

Public & Science Sweden at 2024 EuroScience Open Forum
Is Risk Communication Ready for AI? How can you achieve impactful science engagement? These questions were discussed by Public & Science’s Secretary-General, Ulrika Björkstén, in two sessions at this year’s EuroScience Open Forum held in Katowice, Poland in June. Read more.

From inspiration to innovation – the journey of Ung SciShop
In 2019 Kerstin Jakobsson from the non-profit association ARNA, Art and Nature, participated in a workshop on Science Shops run by Public & Science as part of the EU SciShops project. As a result, the Science Shop model inspired the establishment of Ung SciShop (Young SciShop) providing a platform to address young people's questions about sustainable development. Now as the project is coming to its end, we interview Kerstin to learn more about their experiences. Read more.

What is ERA to you?
The network of  National Contact Points (NCPs) for the EU Horizon Europe WIDERA programme gathered in Reykjavik, Iceland, on 23–24 May for a workshop on the European Research Area (ERA). The workshop included training on impact pathways in Horizon Europe and discussions on enhancing public engagement in the ERA. Maria Hagardt of Public & Science co-arranged the workshop, the results of which will be fed into the INSPIRING ERA project. Read more.
Our recent publications and resources available in English
VA Barometer 2023/2024: An annual survey into the Swedish public’s general attitudes towards science and researchers. 
VA Information Folder 2024: Information about Public & Science Sweden and its members.

Handbook of Youth Citizen Social Science: Working with Young People and the Local Community for Social Change.

Public & Science Sweden in social media
This newsletter contains information about the Swedish organisation Vetenskap & Allmänhet’s (Public & Science Sweden) activities and studies relating to the interface between science and society. The newsletter is issued four times a year. 
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Editor: Helen Garrison