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Monthly, March 2020
Donna Strickland.
Women who changed the world
Six Nobel women in focus
Donna Strickland
Developed a technique that revolutionised laser technology

Donna Strickland was born in 1959 in Canada. Her mother was a high school teacher and her father an electrical engineer. Her parents were very interested in, and encouraged, her education – as did her teachers. “I remember being told over and over again: Women, you can do anything, so it never entered my mind that I couldn’t.”
Donna Strickland was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 for her work with laser pulses.

Marie Curie
Pioneering research on radiation
Marie Curie.
Through her outstanding scientific contributions and her unpretentious manner, Marie Curie became one of her time's most admired personalities. Her discoveries in the field of radioactivity were the beginning of a better understanding of the structure of the atom. She is the first Nobel Prize awarded woman and the only one to have received it in Physics as well as Chemistry.
Watch a short video about Marie Curie

Gerty Cori
Proved insight into glycogen and glucose metabolism
Gerty Cori.
Gerty Radnitz was born in Prague in what was then Austria-Hungary. She found an early backer in the form of her uncle, a paediatrics professor, who supported her interest in maths and science and encouraged her to apply to medical school. She received her PhD in medicine in 1920 and married classmate Carl Cori later that same year. In 1947, after 30 years of team work, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research on glycogen and glucose metabolism. Gert Cori was the first woman to receive a Medicine Prize.
Discover more about Gerty Cori

Toni Morrison
Depicted the historical role of African-American women in society
Toni Morrison.
Toni Morrison was born into a working-class family in Lorain, Ohio in the United States. She read a lot as a child and her father's stories, taken from the African-American tradition, later became an element in her own writing. Her works often depict difficult circumstances and the dark side of humanity, but still convey integrity and redemption. The way she reveals the stories of individual lives conveys insight into, understanding of, and empathy for her characters. In 1993, she became the 90th Nobel Laureate in Literature.
Watch a short video about Toni Morrison

Shirin Ebadi
Human rights activist and lawyer
Shirin Ebadi.
Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, former judge and human rights activist. She was awarded the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights - especially women's, children's and refugee rights. She was the first Iranian and Muslim woman to ever receive the prize. Despite being put on a death list by the regime, Shirin Ebadi became the country's most high-profile human rights activist, founding the Human Rights Defenders Centre. At the Nobel Week Dialogue 2017, Shirin Ebadi held her lecture ‘My Truth and Other Versions’.
Watch Shirin Ebadi’s lecture

Esther Duflo
Used economics to help us fight global poverty
Esther Duflo. Photo: A. Mahmoud.
Despite recent dramatic improvements, one of humanity’s most urgent issues is the reduction of global poverty, in all its forms. The 2019 Laureates in Economic Sciences developed a new approach to the problem and showed how it can be tackled by breaking it down into a number of smaller – but more precise – questions at individual or group levels. This new experiment-based research has transformed research on global poverty and keeps improving our ability to help those in most need. Esther Duflo is one of the awarded economists. She is the youngest person to be ever be awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences.
Read or watch Esther Duflo’s speech at the Nobel Banquet

Monthly quiz

A field for women?
53 women have been awarded the Nobel Prize so far. Which Nobel Prize field has the highest number of awarded women? Make a guess and click to submit your answer.
Physiology or Medicine



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