ORION at ESOF 2020
The ORION partners participated in
three sessions during the EuroScience Open Forum -
ESOF 2020 3-4 September discussing Open Science, Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI and genomic medicine with participants from all over the world. The theme for ESOF 2020 was: “Freedom for science, science for freedom".
Citizen Science in the Life Sciences at ECSA conference
Elisabetta Broglio, CRG, presented the Genigma Game app at an
E-poster session during the European Citizen Science, ECSA annual conference on 9 September. By playing the Genigma game participants will be able to help researchers identify genomic alterations in cancer cells.
Launch of the first ORION Train-the-trainers course
ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer course is an online course which enables its participants to deliver Open Science training in a variety of contexts. Through online seminars, meet-ups, videos, group work and more, the participants acquire skills in the theory and methods of Open Science training. The course runs from 19 October to 4 November and ends with a virtual
Open Science café during Berlin Science Week.
Public dialogues to inform CRG strategy
CRG arranged two public dialogues in October on CRG strategy with wider society and multiple stakeholders. 30 participants from society and 22 stakeholders from different fields, all of them from across Spain, participated in the online public dialogues. There will be a final workshop at the beginning of november which will bring together participants from wider society and stakeholders that participated in the previous dialogues.The results from the dialogues will help inform CRG strategy.
Lessons learned from Open Science training
Emma Harris,
MDC shared the main learnings and presented the ORION training resources at the virtual final
FIT4RRI event on 29 September. The FIT4RRI EU-project brought together experts from nine European countries, who analysed and tested how to foster the real uptake of Responsible Research & Innovation and Open Science.
ORION activities showcased at Citizen Science SDG conference
The ORION Citizen Science project Genigma and the
ORION evaluation of citizen science initiatives was presented at the
Citizen Science SDG online conference on 14-15 October by CRG and
Crecim. The conference was an official event of Germany’s 2020 EU Council presidency.
Digital Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation 2020
How to triage information: Covid-19 and Open Science was discussed by Luiza Bengtsson at an online session during the
German Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation.
It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research
The main objective of the "
It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research" was to give an introduction to each of the FAIR data principles and discuss practical approaches that you can take to help make your research data FAIR for the wider research community. Emma Harris, MDC gave a presentation on the accessibility aspect of FAIR data.
Open Science lecture at the International Summer School in Odessa
Luiza Bengtsson of MDC held an online lecture on Open Science and your research on 29 June at the
International Summer School of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicin in Odessa, Ukraine.